Tag Archives: voting

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

Voting- Key Dates for Florida 2024

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Polling places are designed to be accessible through features like ramps, accessible voting machines, assistance from poll workers, curbside voting, and clear pathways, ensuring all voters, including those with disabilities, can participate.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

Why Voting Matters

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. Use your vote and be counted. It matters.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

Vote the Way that works for you.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. There are three ways to vote in Florida.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

Update Your Signature

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. If the signatures don’t match your vote will not count.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

Register to Vote.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. The deadline to register for an upcoming election is 29 days before that election.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

March 19, 2024, is the Presidential Preference Primary Election in Florida.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. This year only registered Republicans voters are eligible to vote in the Presidential Preference Primary Election in Florida.

let people vote with a check mark

Voting Resources 2023

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

We are heading into the election season, and we want everyone to be prepared, get registered, and have plenty of time to learn about the candidates, the issues, and all of the ways that you can vote.

VoterRiders – Voter ID Help

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

An ID is essential to vote, but also for everyday life. The community members we assisted have claimed that their ID has saved their lives. IDs provide access to medical care, housing, and employment security for the most marginalized. ID issues affect those historically facing hurdles in accessing the ballot box.

let people vote with a check mark

A win for Dominion is a win for the disability community.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

One of the fundamental rights of our democracy is the right to independently and privately mark, cast, and verify a ballot. Several laws have been passed to ensure that people with disabilities have these same voting rights. However, many voters with disabilities still do not have equal access and choice for the voting method that they prefer.