The Wallet Card® Project

Wallet Card Logo updated 2021Promoting Safe Interactions Between Individuals with Disabilities and Law Enforcement.

The Wallet Card Project is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the safety and communication between individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including those on the autism spectrum, and law enforcement agencies. Our mission is to provide tools, training, and resources that empower individuals with disabilities and police officers and other law enforcement personnel to have safe and effective interactions with each other.

Four Major Components of the Project

The Wallet Card: A critical communication tool designed for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. The Wallet Card contains essential information that helps law enforcement officers quickly identify and understand the cardholder’s needs. Email us for more information.

The Caregiver Wallet Card: A specialized communication tool created for caregivers of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. This card helps caregivers convey the specific needs of the person they support during interactions with law enforcement. Email us for more information.

Law Enforcement Training:  A comprehensive training program tailored for law enforcement officers. This includes online modules, a detailed manual, and a tips sheet to help officers understand the unique needs and communication styles of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder, promoting safer and more informed interactions. Email us for more information.

Community Programming: A series of educational programs and training sessions offered to schools and community organizations. These programs are designed to prepare students, members, and supporters for successful interactions with law enforcement, empowering both individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorder and those who assist them. Email us for more information.


Video Library: As part of The Wallet Card® Project, we’ve created a series of educational videos that demonstrate how to use the wallet card in various real-life scenarios. These videos are designed to be practical guides for individuals with disabilities, their caregivers, and law enforcement officers alike.

  • Video 1: Tips for Safe Interactions with the Police. This video offers essential tips for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities or autism spectrum disorder on how to safely and effectively communicate with law enforcement officers. It covers key strategies to ensure a smooth and safe interaction.
  • Video 2: Scenario #1 – The Bus Stop. In this scenario-based video, we explore how to safely use the wallet card during an interaction with police at a bus stop. The video demonstrates clear communication techniques and the importance of using the wallet card to convey necessary information.
  • Video 3: Scenario #2 – Driving. Driving can present unique challenges during police stops. This video demonstrates how to use the wallet card if you are pulled over by law enforcement while driving. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to ensure a safe and clear interaction.
  • Video 4: Scenario #3 –The Convenience Store. This video presents a scenario in a convenience store, showing how the wallet card can be utilized as a communication tool during a police interaction. Viewers will learn how to navigate such situations effectively, using the wallet card to ensure safety and understanding.

Customize Your Wallet Card and Caregiver Card. Personalization is key to effective communication. We provide detailed tips and guidelines on how to customize your wallet card and caregiver card. Learn how to include critical information that will help law enforcement officers understand your needs quickly and accurately.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).  We’ve compiled a comprehensive FAQ document to answer all your questions about The Wallet Card Project. Whether you’re a person with a disability, a caregiver, or a law enforcement officer, you’ll find helpful information about how to use the wallet card, request one, and understand its benefits.

The Wallet Card® Project Partners. The Wallet Card Project is supported by a growing network of partners across the United States. We’ve organized a list of all our partners by state, so you can easily find local organizations that are part of this important initiative. These partners are actively involved in promoting safe interactions between individuals with disabilities and law enforcement in their communities.

Success Stories and Testimonials. Real-life stories and testimonials from individuals who have successfully used the wallet card during interactions with law enforcement. Hearing directly from those who have benefited from the project can provide powerful validation and encourage others to participate.

Newsletter Signup. Sign up for our monthly newsletter so that you can stay up to date on all of our work.

Social Media. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on the project.

The Wallet Card® Project was developed by: Disability Independence Group, The Coral Gables Police Department, and UM-NSU CARD.

All of the components of the Wallet Card® Project have been registered with the Copyright Office of the United States of America.