The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-10)

By: Sharon Langer, Esq.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
This year to recognize DV Month, the Miami Inclusion Alliance will join the National #1Thing campaign.
I am excited to share with you information about the campaign and how all our partners and liaisons will participate.
The #1Thing campaign challenges each of us to identify new ways to move forward together toward ending domestic violence.
It recognizes how each one of us can make a difference.
It reminds us that we each have a voice and that voice can make a difference and that change can start with each of us doing just one thing.
I love this quote from Malala Yousafzai, “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”
One person’s actions have proven to create positive change so many times in our history. One thing may seem insignificant, but put together with one thing done by many, causes real transformational change to occur.
This month the MIA partners and Liaisons have each committed to participate in the #1Thing movement.
I want to share their thoughtful commitment to action and the #1Thing they are going to do.
MIA Liaison Camilo Mejia – I plan to ensure that staff from Catalyst Miami’s Prosperity team actively participate in CVAC and CARE meetings from here on. This action aims to strengthen our community partnerships and contribute to addressing domestic violence more effectively.
MIA Liaison Kat Magnoli – The #1 thing I will do is educate about the intersectionality of disability and abuse through writing, public speaking, both about my personal story and the statistics of those suffering and/or surviving throughout the community.
MIA Liaison Rachel Siler – I will have Center for Independent Living, South Florida, where I work, provide information about DV Month on all our social media. I will send an all-staff email announcing its DV month and ask them to spread the word.
MIA Liaison Genesis Espaillat – I always mention that I am a liaison to the Miami Inclusion Alliance when I talk to new people. One thing I will do this month for Domestic Violence month is to continue sharing the resources the MIA has developed because I know they will be helpful for others. I will share them on my Instagram story.
MIA Partner Susan Rubio Rivera, Executive Director MUJER – I commit to supporting our DV survivors by intentionally listening to their stories with a non-judgmental ear and by promoting their inherent value.
MIA Partner Brenda Rivera-Senior supervising attorney Dade Legal Aid – This DV month I will be using outreach opportunities all month, to bring awareness of the legal assistance that is available, to assist survivors of intimate partner violence. Many survivors do not realize this this type of help is available to them.
MIA Partner Ana Lorenzo- Acting Division Director CVAC – In commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, I am going to host a table on behalf of my agency CVAC, at the Miami-Dade County annual DV Month Fair. It will take place at Miami-Dade County Government Center, and it is expected that hundreds will have an opportunity to visit tables hosted by agencies that provide services for DV prevention in the county. It is a chance to showcase this important issue.
Partner Debbie Dietz- Executive Director Disability Independence Group Inc. – I am going to make all of the Miami Inclusion Alliance tools available to anyone that needs them for free on our website.
My challenge to you as you read this article is – What is Your #1Thing?
Here are some resources if you want to participate in the #1Thing Campaign.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence- VAWNET has taken the lead on this initiative. They have created a toolkit to assist organizations wanting to participate.
How To Get Help
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
The National Sexual Assault Hotline by RAINN: 1-800-656-4673
In Florida: The Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV) Helpline: 1-888-956-7273
In Miami: The MUJER Helpline: 305-763-2459
In Miami: Miami-Dade County Coordinated Victims Assistance Center (CVAC): 305-285-5900 (call or text)