Take These Chances

By: Katherine Magnoli
I look in the mirror as the words of those who criticize echo in my mind like someone shouting in an abandoned hallway, “You have wrinkles.” “Your body is oddly shaped.” “You are wasting your time as an advocate, get a real job!” These words pierce my soul like a needle drawing blood, and for a moment I stop and wonder (as I dress for my next event) if I really have what it takes to make real change? Will anyone take me seriously? The answer is, not only can I do it, but I will succeed in ways that I never, ever dreamed of.
This, my dear friends, is the biggest lesson I learned during the year of 2024.
Now you may be scratching your head and asking yourself, “What? Did I miss something? Where was the lesson?” So, I will break it down for you and let you in on the top three truths that were revealed to me this year:
- You have a choice of allowing your insecurities to stop you or fuel your energy on this journey we call life.
- You are far more capable than you give yourself credit for.
- You define your worth.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t learn these lessons in one scenario. No, I was presented with countless situations that proved this to me over and over, again. This experience is like a friend who tries to talk you out of getting back together with a toxic ex. What I mean is, every time I doubted my worth, life presented me with an opportunity that showed otherwise.
The first example came in the month of March, when I was asked to be the host/emcee for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Summit. Though I had been an advocate for over a decade, this was the first national event I would, not only be a part of, but have a spotlight on me. Needless to say, this made me both excited and nervous. Regardless of my significant level of fear, I did it anyway and by the end of three days, I had acquired the nickname “Adorable Emcee,” debunking my fear of not being good enough physically or talent-wise. It doesn’t end there, being a part of this event gave me the opportunity to meet people who are currently helping me realize my dream of turning my book series into an animated series, debunking my critics who say I am wasting my time as an advocate.
The second assurance that I have what it takes, came as a challenge to take my “oddly shaped body” to new heights. Two examples of this were trying adaptive rock climbing and dancing with the world renown adaptive dance group “The Rollettes.” Again, shining a light on my physical insecurities but a voice inside telling me to do it anyway. I am so glad I listened to that voice because it guided me into truly exhilarating experiences.
This brings me to my final example, trying new avenues of advocacy and impact. The biggest and most recent example was signing on to being an extra for the full-length feature film starring, none other than, Owen Wilson. This experience, though incredible and surreal, is my biggest example of how we can let go of our insecurities and wheel towards a life that we never dreamed of. As cameras and lights shined on my insecurities, I allowed my determination and beating heart to guide me towards the set and participate in an activity I will remember for the rest of my life.
In conclusion, I would like to leave you with words engraved on a gift that was given to me by my dear friend and fellow advocate, Damien P. Gregory, “May you be proud of the work that you do, the person you are and the difference that you make!”