Tag Archives: wipa

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Benefits Information 24-04

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

If you receive Social Security benefits and you have a job or are looking for one, there are specially trained professionals known as Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWIC) to help you make sense of complex employment and benefit-related issues.

Asset Building for Individuals with Disabilities

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Public benefit programs for people with disabilities, especially Supplemental Security Income (SSI), are not aimed at increasing assets and independence for people with disabilities as a result individuals with disabilities often have very limited income and few, if any, assets. The intent of asset building initiatives is that as individuals develop assets, they will… Read More »

What is a Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC) or benefits planner?

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

By: Lesly Lopez If you receive Social Security benefits and you have a job or are looking for one, there are specially trained professionals known as Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWIC) to help you make sense of complex employment and benefit-related issues. What is a CWIC? A highly skilled and rigorously trained cadre of… Read More »