Miami Herald 5/19/23 Op-Ed–Take Steps

Re the May 18 story “When will Dade fix transit elevators and escalators?” An adequate transportation system that provides equal access is an essential component to ensuring persons with disabilities can live independently. It is a right mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The hardship, for a person with a disability, of traveling six additional blocks is more than an inconvenience; it can mean the difference between going to work, patronizing a business and visiting a doctor’s office or not.
Miami-Dade County should provide a shuttle service between the School Board station and the Museum Park station, with the same frequency as the Metromover, until repairs are completed. To the extent the repair company is breaching its contract, it should be responsible for the costs of additional services.
Matthew W. Dietz
Professor and clinical director, Disability Inclusion and Advocacy Law Clinic, Shepard Broad
College of Law, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale