Benefits Information 24-05

WIPA program and SSA Beneficiaries with Psychiatric Disabilities
A large portion of beneficiaries who could potentially receive WIPA services are individuals with mental health diagnoses. There is a high rate of unemployment/underemployment in this population.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Social Security Income (SSI) both provide needed financial assistance to many people in the United States who have mental health conditions. These two programs are run by the US Social Security Administration (SSA). SSDI provides monthly income to individuals who are limited in their ability to work because of a physical or mental disability. Currently, almost nine million individuals receive SSDI, and as of 2013, 35.2% of recipients qualify for disability based on a mental health condition. 85% of people with Mental Illness want to work but are afraid to lose their disability status and healthcare.
How WIPA can help?
Community Work Incentives Coordinators, CWICs, address employment barriers by educating beneficiaries and their advocates/professionals and supporting the various federal and state work incentives.
- Counseling beneficiaries to understand their individual situation.
- SSA benefits
- Healthcare
- Housing and work incentives
- Other federal and state benefits and incentives
Community Work Incentives Coordinator can provide thorough, timely, and accurate information, a variety of benefit scenarios, and facilitate the beneficiary to make informed choices about work, benefits, and financial stability and as a result the SSA beneficiaries with psychiatric disabilities will be able to:
- Develop economic security and the ability to support oneself and/or family
- Develop assets and achieve financial goals and
- Achieve a higher socioeconomic status
If you are one of the many SSDI or SSI disability beneficiaries who want to work, a WIPA project can help you understand the employment supports that are available to you and enable you to make informed choices about work and achieving financial independence.
For additional questions please call your local WIPA project at 305-453-3491